Introduction: Never Forget to Ask These 4 Types of Questions

The Grand Finale!

The most overlooked opportunity in any interview is asking the right questions. You may notice this is the only time in the program that I have used red - this is because I cannot stress the importance of this part enough.

Candidates often skip asking questions entirely (do not skip!), or waste the opportunity on meaningless questions to move the process along. Asking right questions is the best way to conclude an interview and end on a high note. Show that you are invested in the outcome, support your story, and confirm your ability to be a successful employee.

All too often, when the interviewer asks, "do you have any questions for me?" it is met with silence or vague filler questions. It is important to at least ask something meaningful.

As a rule of thumb, ask questions you truly care about the answer of. It will be clear to the interviewer whether you are asking a question simply to fill the time or you actually are invested in learning the answer. Use your questions to gain knowledge, not to show off what you already know.

The format of the subsequent questions will help you get the information that you need, and gauge how the recruiter feels about you as the interview progresses. It will also help you uncover weaknesses or gaps in your interview that you might have been unaware of. Without asking the right questions and getting this clarity, you run the risk of leaving points on the table, and not making the best impression.

By using some version of the following questions, you will get all the answers you need to understand what it takes to succeed in the given role. You will also be able to gauge if the interviewer finds you a qualified candidate, and have the chance to explain anything important that you may have missed. Lastly, you will convey that regardless of the outcome of one particular interview, you are a super qualified candidate who has genuine intent and is determined to improve throughout their professional journey - whether it is with this company or not.

Here is how we will do that...

Key Point:

  • ONLY ASK MEANINGFUL QUESTIONS. If you are not interested in the answer, do not ask them.

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